Saturday, March 12, 2011


About a month or two ago I started helping my friend with an extracurricular project. The premise was that we were going to make an 'online democracy' forum where the people in the forum would make all the rules of the forum and so forth. Turns out the project was quite a lot more than that. After some deliberation we decided to make it a role-playing forum where a person selects their career and posts. Each post you make earns you Capital, which you use to buy one of the over 200 objects in the store. I'm in charge of and working on the store, which is a wide variety of everyday and not-so-everyday objects that people can send to each other. The whole setup is excellent, with multiple background themes to choose from, of which one is still undergoing, a wide variety of ways to edit your character, and a well thought out system that is very dynamic and flexible. For instance, I took the role of a hard-boiled detective going around and stopping crime where I can, while others choose the more sinister route and decide to do some illicit drug trading. If you like the idea of a democracy where everyone decides what the rules are through voting, I'd register right away. If you refer 'ChemIisan' and sign up, I'll send you a one-of-a-kind and exclusive item for free. So go on, try it today and send me your feedback, so I can make sure this becomes the best forum ever invented!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lateral Thinking 1 Part 3: Real Answers

All the solutions are in the links.


  • I'm correct here.

    I was clever, but incorrect.
    WHAT AM I?:

    I feel stupid.  

     Correct! Oh yeah!

    Again, clever, but incorrect.

      Turns out I was wrong, if not entertainingly clever.

    Lateral Thinking 1 Part 2: My answers


    Frank leaves home.  When he tries to return, a man wearing a mask blocks his path.

    1.) What is Frank doing?

  •  He's playing baseball, duh.
    2.) What is the masked man's occupation? 
    3.) Where is Frank's "safe place?" 
    first, second, or third base.


    A woman is seated and is writing.  There is a thunderstorm outside and she dies as a consequence.  How did she die?

    While writing?

    WHAT AM I?:

    If you look, you can't see me.
    If you see me, you cannot see anything else.
    I can make you walk if you can't.
    Sometimes I speak the truth.
    And sometimes I lie.

    Okay, the first two make me think 'eyelids' and the last two 'mouth', but that doesn't work. This one stumps me. 

    A man was walking along a railway track when he spotted an express train speeding towards him.  To avoid it, he jumped off the track, but before he jumped he ran ten feet towards the train.


     Because he was in a tunnel?

    A man and his son were traveling on a scheduled flight across the Atlantic.  The man asked the flight attendant if his son could have a look inside the cockpit.  The boy was allowed to do this and the pilot gladly explained about the plane and its controls.  After the boy left, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said to him, "That was my son."

    How could that be?

     The man was the pilot? It never said he couldn't be FLYING it.

    A man is dead in a puddle of blood and water on the floor of a locked windowless room.  What happened?

       Locked AND windowless? Wouldn't he have suffocated?

    Lateral Thinking 1 Part 1: The Question

    I have decided to do a bit of lateral thinking. In this post, I have the questions I chose. In my next post, I will have my answers. Finally, I'll show the real answers. (From


    Frank leaves home.  When he tries to return, a man wearing a mask blocks his path.

    1.) What is Frank doing?
    2.) What is the masked man's occupation?
    3.) Where is Frank's "safe place?" 


    A woman is seated and is writing.  There is a thunderstorm outside and she dies as a consequence.  How did she die?

    WHAT AM I?:

    If you look, you can't see me.
    If you see me, you cannot see anything else.
    I can make you walk if you can't.
    Sometimes I speak the truth.
    And sometimes I lie.


    A man was walking along a railway track when he spotted an express train speeding towards him.  To avoid it, he jumped off the track, but before he jumped he ran ten feet towards the train.



    A man and his son were traveling on a scheduled flight across the Atlantic.  The man asked the flight attendant if his son could have a look inside the cockpit.  The boy was allowed to do this and the pilot gladly explained about the plane and its controls.  After the boy left, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said to him, "That was my son."

    How could that be?


    A man is dead in a puddle of blood and water on the floor of a locked windowless room.  What happened?


    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    Egypt and Libya; A new style of revolution?

    At the time of this writing, there are numerous revolutions taking hold in countries around the world. Everyone strives for a populist society, which is unfortunately branded as communism or socialism based on it's ideals of everyone being equal and the people running the government. Everyone wants these, and this may just be the time to achieve it. Today I'll give my predictions on the outcomes of both revolutions, along with showing how revolution has changed. Finally, I'll show you just how tyrants have signed their collective death warrants with one single move.

    Now, contrary to what normal societies operate, Egypt is some seventy or so ( percent young and college educated people. They have a lot of fresh minds with loads of intelligence, and they put it to use in what I would like to call a 5 on the peaceable to violent scale of revolts. Now what my prediction for this uprising, however violent it may be, is that they will succeed the first time in creating a populist society. Their economy is in a good position for being a world power with no problem at all. They have already taken the steps to assure their power, which I'll go into detail with later. To sum up, I predict Egypt will succeed in a populist government.

    Sorry for any Libyans I might be offending out there, but I think that the first (and I quote, first) attempt will succeed to overthrow the government, but the powerhold they take will not stay pure. I think the main cause of this is Libya's overwhelming dependency on crude oil ( will force them to become corrupt, albeit less so than the former government. I think one of the major factors in whether a government (generalizing here) is corrupt is what their economy is based around, and the overwhelming percent is based on oil, which is a corrupting export. It's very, very hard not to be corrupt when you have such a vast oil reserve. My prediction? Failure, with a better attempt in 10 years.

    Today I had a stunning revelation about how modern revolts have changed in multiple ways. The first and most obvious is communication. We have Twitter, Facebook, all these new ways to tell others how you feel. One thing that may not have occurred to you concerning these however is that it means there is a new way to make alliances. While governments are chewing their fingernails wondering if their alliance is over with Egypt, I am delighted. You see, they may be worried that the government will not make an alliance with them, and they might not! But what all these new communication forms has done is created a bond with the people, as nature intended! I can empathize with them, and many support their causes, as they understand oppression and how noone actively seeks it. We encourage them to exert their natural rights as free peoples, and now the Internet is the way to make allies. Power is shifting away from the governments and back into the peoples hands, allowing me to have a friendship and common ground with another far off in Egypt! It's the people, the people that matter now, and moreso than ever! Why bother signing treaties with other countries when you can just as easily make friends with the peoples around the world, giving you greater power than you could ever have had before?


    As you can hopefully understand, the deathblow will not be guns. It will not be riots, nor bullets, nor tanks or cannons. The new weapon is technology, and it is one that will always strike the heart without fail. By trying to participate in this new global economy, you have built a dependency on the Internet. By building this dependency, you have made the Internet available to the people, and no matter how hard you try, you can no longer take it back.You cannot stop the flow of information without destroying yourself. Sure, you could shut the Internet down. But in doing so, you just shut down the economy as a whole, dooming yourself. If you leave the Internet on, you allow the spread of messages to continue. Even if you manage to shut it down and avoid harming the economy through some miracle, the damage has been done, and the people will not stand for it. Killing is no longer an option, as sheer numbers will overpower any threat thrown at them, and the people shall have their rights! No longer can you ignore the will of the people, as they are the true owners of your country! No longer can you stop the collective force of a thousand different people, all banding together, every one of them equal! The people have the will, no, the right to change the world, and they will use it if it kills them.

    -Thanks for reading.

    ADDITIONAL LINKS (hey who said we couldn't have music?)

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    My view on sexual orientation and the Riddle Scale

    As a teen living in America, one of the most harmful issues is discrimination. Race, gender, and orientation are all issues that should be addressed, especially issues of orientation. I am maturing now at a faster rate due to help from my family and college classes, and what I am finding in my quest of self-actualization is that most unfair practices come from the irrational fears. I'm going to talk about discrimination to the LGBT community.

    To be honestly fair, most of my life until a few years ago the issue never occurred to me. Perhaps I was still innocent and lost, whatever the case may be, but I didn't even recognize that there was a problem, even when the issue was brought to me I found it was odd and best avoided. In fact, until recently I had no idea of the true nature of the issue. Then came along Proposition 8.

    At this point I pretended I understood the issue and sided with something I didn't agree with. Both of my parents pushed me to a neutral ground and I found it easier to just shut up and not respond rather than side. As I gave thought to it though, I realized I could identify with the discrimination they felt and I strongly supported their decisions. It's their lives, after all, and it's their choice. Not mine. I stuck to this for years until I reached high school, where I am currently.

    I am now seriously contemplating my sexuality, but I am unwilling to experiment. Either way, I am using this moment to advocate my position in favor of the LGBT community. I think that it is everyone's choice to like who they want, and the preconceived notion that heterosexuality is the only possible norm is something I strongly disagree with, based on facts, morals, ethics, and my own opinion.

    Fact: Homosexuality is not a new thing. In fact, to be perfectly honest Greece was somewhat Bi in the most part. It wouldn't be odd or even uncommon to have homosexual relationships or feelings, and much of Greek literature, art, even architecture was shaped by this. To be perfectly honest, there were many forms. (Source: really don't feel like MLA formatting; maybe later)

    My morals and ethical standards as a human tell me that any form of discrimination for any reason is wrong. Especially if the reasons are as mundane and normal as sexual orientation. It is normal to feel different, and there are no excuses justifying the mistreatment of humans just like you and me.
    Now to another one of the main points in the article, where I teach you something you may not have known called the Riddle Scale. What the Riddle Scale is a scale made by Dorothy Riddle to examine the levels of homophobia or lack thereof. The bottom level is revulsion, with the highest level being Nurturance. When I was younger, age 10 or below, I would have fit in best with a mixture of the categories acceptance and tolerance, in which I avoided it. This is a negative take because when you avoid the problem you exclude them, and in this way you truly harm them. As I was pushed by both parents, my internal views shifted towards the Support category, though for all preferences outward I displayed Acceptance.

    As of writing this, my views if requested would probably be Appreciation, with a small dab of Nurturance. I feel that they are an important part of society just as anyone else, and that they should be openly able to express this without fear of retaliation or backlash. In fact, I admire the courage of any willing to openly express their ideals, and would never try to exclude them from anything that I do, for any reasons.



    For all intents and purposes, I am going to sum up my argument. Discrimination based on sexual orientation or appearance thereof is immoral, unlawful, and should not be tolerated. Anyone who thinks that any sort of discrimination to any parties is justified in any way is not someone who I think is the correct person to give the keys of the LGBT fates to! If everyone would just get over the fact that there is no dominant group in anything, there would be little to no conflict in the world! If everyone could just work together to bridge the gap between this world and the world where everyone is happy with who everyone else is or was, then I believe we can really make the difference! I want to finish this saying that as someone who believes in a higher power, I would think we were all created equal.

    Thank you for reading.

    Saturday, October 16, 2010

    Picture I made

    I suck at art, but occasionally I make something really good.
    It didn't upload with the link operator.

    I hope I didn't violate anything posting a horse with pants.

    Its a sketch of a sketch (Not a trace)of two characters from the webcomic MSPaintAdventures, and I messed with the horse enough to claim it as my own.

    Dave and Maplehoof (Or DadHoof now) are just plain bursting flippant awesome.

    Malapropisms (Read this aloud for maximum effect)

    Let's brainscorn some Malapropisms!
    Hairs the obvious ones like,"Let us Sew you to your Sheets" (Let us Snow you to your Seets silly pepole)and "A penny Shaved is a penny Learned".
    Pen you have the Rot-sew-obvious ones, like "Would you Hike an Ordove?" (you need a Japenny Ascent for that one)or "Peter Packed a pickle Pezzers" (Don't know how you'll say that one).
    Dumb times I think of Hose people who come to read this and Wondoor, do Hay like it? It Seams to be hostly jokes working on knowledge of Eenglesh. Sow I decided to look at Malaproper Manners in other countries:
    In Russian, the Phase, "Listen to the Blabbing Brook" Looks like this.
    Слушайте болтать Брук
    The correct way to Spray it would be "Babbling", but it Russian it sounds totally different than the above example, so I now that Engrish Malapropism will make no Cents.
    Слушайте журчащий ручеек

    So I looked a Russian Malapropism up.
    Note this failed due to distinct LACK of examples. On wikipedia, I Fund more malapropisms but only one with any REAL relevance.

    This next Praise is copied from Wikepedia, not my work.
    Examples in the Russian language
    * The word rynda for "ship's bell". The English phrase "Ring the bell!" was heard by Russian seamen as "Ryndu bey!", i.e., "Hit the rynda", rynda being the word for the tsar's bodyguard. Accordingly, the phrase "to hit the rynda" was used to mean "to signal time with the ship's bell", and later the bell itself has become commonly known as ship's "rynda".

    What I think Wikepedia is trying to say is "we don't make this Four Russians in English Idiot!"

    So I went to Russian Translation. But there was no Malapropismos! Which leads me Too... Espanol Wikipedia.
    The following is a Malapropism in Spanish:
    «Me gustan los toreros que están en el candelabro»
    "I like the matadors who are in the chandelier"

    What Ward was the Malapropism?

    Wikipedia says, Candlestick. So what do these words look like next to each other?

    Nothing Like each other. But a Bull or a Killer or whatever a 'Matador' is, it boils down to this. The internet has no Russian Malapropisms.

    *Comments Loved By All*

    Accosiated Writing Nice and claen and not written like a fourth grader or whatever grade writes like that.

    so associative writing is just where I talk on the first thing that comes to my mind and the thing that's on my mind now is this stupid typing method. it is faster than writing normally if i don't want to get a cramp but its really annoying to type perfect with it. i use two fingers, you know. in fact, I'm not very sure whether i should peer edit this with myself. peer editing using my own fingers isn't an appropriate term is is it more like just editing at that point wow i type my thoughts slow I'm spending way too mush time ctchoing(?) up with my brain I'm lucky I'm able to keep up so well i wonder if i accidentally messed something up with that control key dunno i didn't thank goodness oh hey look I'm not thinking of maybe I am now is that a turtle? no its just a keyboard and a slow typist. duh you freaking idiot. you can make butter without cracking eggs or was it cracking milk i can mo longer tall if I'm thinking or trying to think my ear hurts lemme scratch it real quick...ah that feels better now it s back wait a sec. while i was gone for a sec i looked and wondered how much extra letters are i here and how many have i added and now i thou8gh about writing in third person but that would be kinda of hard because trying to write in third person is like trying to nail jelly no someone did that peanut better now it sounds like I'm trying too hard to a wall. wow I'm hearing myself think this and i must be some total moron, using ocxyparadoxyisma (???) or malapropsies to do something I learned the malaproper (Its malapropism) from TV tropes i hope you waste hours of your time (I don't, don't know why I wrote that) being duped into awesome i don't have time for this. Activate flying powers PCH00000000! O h cool that's 8 0's not trying.. That would be so awesome to be Vriska but that's a reference no one seems to get oh look a b now I'm just rsmblong(rambling, but the way I spelt it is way funnier) or maybe you are drunk as you read this and I am a figment of a friends imagination hi Yancey if you read this oh look at the time i have to get going to whatever i need to get going too i should probable make two versions of this, on messy and one not. good bye!

    *Please tell me if I missed any more things in the comments.

    Associative writing one or 2 or something along those lines (the messy version)

    so accosiative writing is juast h=where I talk on the fisrt thing that comes to my ming and the thing thats on my ming noe is this stupid typing method. it bsa faster than writing normally if i don't want to get a cramp but its really annoying yo type perfect with it. i use to fingers, you know. in fact, i m not very sure whetehr i should peer edit this with myself. peer editing using my own fingers isn't an approptriate term is is it mor like just editing at that poit wow i type my thoughts sloiw im spending way too mush time ctchoing up with m bran im lucky im able to keep up so well i wonder if i accidentally mmessed something up with that contrl key dno i didn't thank goodness oh hey lookm im not thingking of maybe I am now isthat a turtle? no its just a keyboard and a slow typist. duh you freaking idiot. you can make butter without cracking eggs or was it cracking milk i can mo longer tall if im thinking or trying to think my ear hurst lemme scratch it real quick...ah that feels better now it s back wait a sec. while i was gone for a sec i looked and wonered how much extra letters are i hereand how many have i added and now i thou8gh about writung in third person but that would be kina of hard because thrying to wirte in third person is like trying to nail jelly no someone did that peanut better now it sounds like im trying too hard to a wall. wow im haring myself think this and i must be some to atl moron, using ocxy paradoxyisma or malapropsies to do something I lirned the malaproper from tv trope i hope you waste hours of you r time being duped in to awesome i don't have time for this. Activate flying powers PCH00000000! O h cool thats 8 0's not trying.. That would be so wawesome to be vriska but thats a reference no onwe seems to get ohh look a b now i'm just rsmblong or maybe you are drunk as you read this and I am a figment of a friends imagination hi yancey if you read this oh look at the time i have to het going to whatever i need to egte going too i sould probable make two versions of this, on messy adn= one not. good bye!

    Sunday, October 3, 2010

    Now lets pretend I'm an animal!

    "Meow" I say as I walk across a street. The monsters heading my way never listen to reason. Time and time again, I tell them to stop so I can get by without getting stomped on, but they just roar by, some making weird chattering noise and others releasing sounds that scare me. The things that feed me are eaten by this monster then spit out when it stops to rest. I watch them feed the beasts just like they feed us. At least I think they're being fed. Otherwise they go for miles without food. And the first one makes more sense. I itch my collar. Collars are so itchy. Sometimes I wonder why my collar is so itchy. I always try to remove it but the things just put it back on. I think it's to show that they feed me and house me. They are always so competitive. It's like they must feed me or they are exiled. I use the sand to go to the bathroom, and I use their water, and I take up time by trying to get them to do things, and all they do for me is put an itchy collar on me. Things are so rude.

    The writing of gerbils.

    I wonder why anyone would write a journal about gerbils. I can understand a gerbil writing in journals, but a journal about gerbils? That person obviously has no life to be writing about those things. Maybe a journal written in gerbil? That just doesn't work because gerbils don't have a pencil the right size for it. If it did, that would also require it to spend hours trying to remember how to write a spoken language. What kind of gerbil has that time? They're too busy trying to rule the world. I think a gerbil must not be very successful though. I mean, who owns a journal? Whoa wait not a gerbil a journal. I mean not a gerbil a journal. No wait that failed too. Let's just go back a few sentences and try again. Nobody owns a gerbil. That's almost a fact. Gerbils just aren't that popular in California. I mean, chinchillas: so cute you have a friendship anyeurism. But gerbils? Maybe a little cute but not very. So let me sum up my incredibly long journal for you: Gerbils don't make good writers.

    Anywhere in the existing world?

    If I could go anywhere, I wouldn't be wasting it going just ANYWHERE. I mean sure, maybe if one day I decided that I don't want to pay my own plane fare, sure this ability would work. But otherwise, I'd want it to get me out of life threatening trouble. I mean, what good is a power if it can't get you out of trouble?
    But I ramble. Let's set up the hypothetical situation that I could travel anywhere anytime infinitely. That way I can make a list of places I'd want to go.
    First off, I'd love to visit every continent once. Perhaps on boat, not using the power, because then I can say to people, "I've sailed the oceans and seas, and visited every continent". That way I'll sound, look, and probably be more experienced to others.
    I would love to be in France and try a hot-air balloon. Those things look very fun.
    I would like to visit Sydney and visit the harbor, perhaps maybe go in deeper into Australia and see some of the underground opal cave-houses in the desert. I wouldn't like to be there too long though.
    I could probably have some fun in Japan, maybe even live there in the rich culture for a while.
    I wish to visit Canada again. I have dead relatives there.(:D)
    Egypt might make for some good stories to tell relatives.
    Denmark and Finland.
    That's all the places I feel I need to go to.

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    Home Away From Home

    Well, I'm not exactly seeing my advisory as a home away from home, unless you count me surfing the internet more there then at home. I see it more as a place to relax, take a load off and do something productive. I'm not very good at writing the essays, but they can be fun or unpleasant. I love the activities we do in class and the group meetings. I also think our spelling bees are pretty cool.
    I'm not exactly the fastest when we make essays, getting sidetracked every other moment.If you were here, I would've just done that right now. I work better with music because it drowns out other distractions, but I have to be careful to not get caught up in it.
    I like the activities in class because it helps me get a break from life and forget it for a few. I can relax when we are talking and listen to others and sometimes even put in a few comments by myself. It's probably the thing I get the least distracted in.
    I think our spelling bees and other spelling related things are fun, but whats not fun is how I don't do the stuff. I plan to be (bee, get it?) more proactive this year, finishing my stuff earlier. In fact, if I did that, I wouldn't have missed the vocab and needed to get it from Michael whilst I was sick.
    I think that this class has a strong potential to be a home away from home, it just needs a bit more effort on everybody's part before we can reach that goal (Hey, did you notice how you need to put an apostrophe after ever- just kidding.). I think that in a year or so it may just be my home away from home.

    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    ESP: Zenner Cards

    Yes, yes, I know, I know. I just did a journal on this. But, there is another way to use Zenner (or Zener) cards to test for a different ESP type. In this, the subject is to write their answers down on a piece of paper. In this test, the subject would be using clairvoyance* or foresight, depending on the conditions. As in my Zener cards article, this method is said to often be misinterpreted as telepathy by the middle-ground groups.

    *to get information not using the 5 senses.

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    ESP: Zener Cards

    Zener cards are part of a test used to identify the presence of high levels of telepathy, or lack thereof, in the mind. The deck is composed of 25 cards, each with one of five symbols (a triple wave, a circle, a star, a square, and a cross). The goal of the test is to read the presenters mind and try and get a consistent score of 7 or more or a consistent score of 1 or less. anything in these categories is not statistically probable and is thus the act of an outside source. Some skeptics claim it could be all made up data (not true) or that there are too few cards in the deck(100's of tests must be taken, the addition of even 1 card could lengthen the testing by whole months). Some people in the middle say foresight could instead be at work.

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    5 ideas for internships:

    I'll go over my five potential internship sites that are my first choices.

    -Schillings Robotics
    Honestly, the job sounds cool, and have you seen their commercials!?! I think that taking a job here would help me better understand remote controlled robots. And I'm taking Algebra 2 this year too, so maybe I'll know some stuff before we get to it?

    -Geek Squad
    Maybe it's just the name, but this place gives me a good vibe. I would love to be on a squad of geeks. Add in the factor of fixing computers and I'm settled.

    -Ecom Engineering
    I was checking out sites and their website seemed to give a clear vibe. I think that the professional quality and engineering might help me.

    -Dream Works Metal
    I've never thought about trying metallurgy (is that what it is?) and thought I might throw this internship in to maybe help me foster my love of art and who knows? It may end up helping me with my other projects.

    -Tom Myers Photography
    This is more something I want to take up as a hobby, but I thought I'd check it out anyways. I was looking at their website and I saw their phrase saying "The slides we have are different from what the photo agencies have. The photo agencies seem to stay with tried and true types of images. We have more natural appearing scenes. Photography is instinctive... we don't pose anybody, we want it as it happens. We take pictures of what interests us... and almost everything interest us!" This naturally sparked my interest.

    Sorry for the late timing, off-schedule as is.

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    Photo Scavenger Hunt! YES!

    Well, if you put an army of teenagers and divide them into groups, they'll continues to divide and mesh together in order to ditch opposing groups. Fun, right? I ended up having a lot of fun with a little disappointment today. I had fun getting to know two of my peers, Dalton and Larissa, today while I failed to keep in touch with Tommy the entire trip, making me feel lame (I expected the rest to ditch, so no worries on their parts). But I have started the spread of mindslaps© between them. That is a definitely hurting and fun game. It hurts because of the slap superimposing itself upon you, but its fun to try and avoid their eye contact for the day. We just had a lot of messing around and talking and walking around. Yep, that was my day. I left out all negative details.

    Week in a nutshell

    I admit the title has almost nothing to do with my week. It's not in a nutshell, and this is not the full week, seeing as there were only 4 days of school this week. If it were REALLY a week in a nutshell, I would include information about me being an artist for the annual Chalk It Up festival. That's for a completely different journal. Anyways, this week (I'm just going to refer to it as so as to avoid further filler) wasn't a complete waste of time, as some weeks feel like, but instead a fun and long week that went by fast (Ignore further paradoxes also). I had a lot of homework, the last of which I finish up right now (I'm feeling like a stupid brilliant person right now) that was supposed to be done during the FIRST SEMESTER OF FRESHMAN YEAR FORWARD. Other than that, met new people, renewed friendships, I'm awesome.

    Thursday, September 9, 2010

    What is my plan to ensure success at my Gateway?

    I don't have any truly set in stone goals that I need to finish before Gateway. I'll need to have an internship, which shouldn't be too hard. I've already gone over possible project plans for getting some of the learning goals, to ensure that even if my internship project fails to meet all 5 I will pass. And I have a suit and slacks. So really all I'll need to have is high grades and the proper execution of the things above.

    My Anxiety about Gateways:

    At my school, gateways are the major test you have to pass to leave the school, no exception. So of course I'll be anxious, but I am not all that nervous. I have a wonderful way of asking questions normally, however it is a difficult event, so I am anxious to 'get over with it' when it comes around. I know that it will not be simple.I  expect to have trouble with it. But just the knowledge that I will have trouble with it no matter how prepared I am seems to calm me down.

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    ~Journals of a Minecraft Exile #2: The Dream~

    I waited during the night, not moving an inch. I fell asleep out of sheer weariness. I had just carved the wall open and made a shelter. A door guarded my wall, protecting me the best it could against the elements. I had a frightening dream- no, a nightmare. Spiders the size of lions crawled around the room. I wanted to get away, but I was tied down by string. One came up to me. Soon, the other three stopped what they were doing and joined it. 'Sssuch a nisssse meal...' The other spiders made a sound I assumed must be laughter, then they turned. I lost vision. I awoke to late dawn. I was relieved to find that it was a dream. I dragged myself off the floor and opened the door. A new morning.

         Safety; n. (Torches)- You truly have only three methods of protection. Doors, Walls, and Torches. Not that they will stop a Creeper.

    See Safety is an Illusion


    These next set of journals are based on minecraft, but these are PURELY makeup work. Any relations to persons living or dead is probably not coincidental, but lets just say for the sake of argument it is. Any questions can be referred to the comments section. Any more makeup work will be signified by a ~ on the sides of the title. That is all.

    ~Journals of a Minecraft Exile #1: Exiled~

    It was almost three days ago now I was sentenced to rot on this godforsaken planet. I became exiled, punished for crimes I did not commit. The second day, the day I was dropped off, the planet seemed safe enough. When I was dropped off, I saw the sunrise. The planet seemed devoid of life. I knew if I were to survive, I would need to find shelter. I'd heard stories about this dimension. It was said you were able to 'craft', a silly sounding thing. It involved being able to use powers to convert simple items into more useful objects. I decided I'd need some lumber for making my shelter. As I cut the wood, I decided I'd make a small cave in the mountains. I knocked down another tree, and another. I remembered that wood makes planks, so I turned the 15 wood I had into 60 planks. I would be safe for a while, but I'd still need to venture out occasionally. I built a small table with the wood I had by putting them side by side. I watched as they melded together and made a crafting table, the tool needed for any survivor aiming to live. I made a pickax and a door and set on my way. I was going to live.

          Craft; v. (Crafting)- To create or fashion. (You need a crafting table to craft more complex objects)
    -See Crafting Table

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    WELL I suppose I could describe my new friends...(Journal part 2)

    Dalton was pretty cool, but he seemed pretty down at first. He eventually got happier by the end of the day. Lukas I knew from somewhere else, but he has super long nails. You might think I'm kidding, but his nails are like the stretch limos of the nail kingdom. They come in various sizes, but all are LONG. That-one-kid-who's-name-I-don't-remember was pretty cool too. Him and Lukas started talking about Magic the Gathering (with Michael too of course) and they also both play World of Warcraft (a game I personally don't like)

    Journal for September 07, 2010

    Today was a good day at school. I met some new people. Their names were Dalton, Lukas (I hope I spelled that right...), Tommy, and a kid I can't remember the name of right now. All of my friends came back this year, so that was a real relief. I got to see some of my friends I had not seen all summer, and that was a cool thing to me. I enjoyed when during the pick-me up, we smashed a cinder block with a sledgehammer on the new teacher. I love how thanks to how pressure distributes itself over a flat surface, you will come out unharmed and look pretty awesome doing it. Of course, most people don't realize how that works, but I do. I got another chunk to add to my collection of strange rocks, along with the one from last year. I remember I was so anxious last year to get into my high school. Well, I got over it pretty fast after Justin helped be out and I saw my friend Austin. I love my school.
