Friday, September 10, 2010

Photo Scavenger Hunt! YES!

Well, if you put an army of teenagers and divide them into groups, they'll continues to divide and mesh together in order to ditch opposing groups. Fun, right? I ended up having a lot of fun with a little disappointment today. I had fun getting to know two of my peers, Dalton and Larissa, today while I failed to keep in touch with Tommy the entire trip, making me feel lame (I expected the rest to ditch, so no worries on their parts). But I have started the spread of mindslaps© between them. That is a definitely hurting and fun game. It hurts because of the slap superimposing itself upon you, but its fun to try and avoid their eye contact for the day. We just had a lot of messing around and talking and walking around. Yep, that was my day. I left out all negative details.

1 comment:

  1. haha im glad you had some fun Alex, remember the good times. Don't focus on the bad.

